Alliance City Hotel «Gayki»
General information
Railway station, km Railway station, km :
Rooms Rooms :
Parking Parking :
For leisure
Restaurant Restaurant :
For business
Conference Room Conference Room :
For health and relaxation
Fito Bar Fito Bar :
Baptistery Baptistery :
Infrared Sauna Infrared Sauna :
Contacts Alliance City Hotel «Gayki»

General information hotel Alliance City Hotel «Gayki»

"Gayki", located in the very heart of Zhytomyr, is perhaps the most famous modern hotel and restaurant complex, the name of which is consonant with the name of the locality where the founders of the establishment - the Baranivskyi family - were born and grew up. It includes a 30-room hotel and a beauty salon.


Basic services in the hotel: free Wi-Fi, cable TV, room cleaning, taxi call.

Among the possibilities are the following types of rooms: "V.I.P.", "Suite", "Semi-suite", "Standard". The hotel and restaurant complex "Hayki" has its own beauty salon, where you can use the full range of hairdressing and cosmetic services by appointment.

To calculate the conference budget in partner hotels, contact the following number: 0 800 330 71


If you have any additional questions or need to book a room, you can contact the Alliance reservation department by phone from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 18.00: 0 800 330 710 or write to us by e-mail: You can also book a room online on the website

The room rate includes: accommodation, breakfast, Wi-Fi.

From January 1, 2019, the local council established a tourist tax rate of 0,5% for resident (domestic tourism) and 0,5% for non-resident (inbound tourism) of the minimum wage established by law for January 1 of the reporting year for one person for each day of temporary accommodation of a person at the hotel.

Children under 6 years old are accommodated free of charge in the same room with their parents without extra bed

Optima Club, Priority Guest and Corporate Guest corporate cards are not valid at this hotel.

Contacts Alliance City Hotel «Gayki»